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Task 1:
Individual Tasks

Teams will sign up for their topic phylum or class using sign up sheets on counters around the classroom. Once the topic is chosen your team will choose roles for the day. One will be the research specialist and the other will be the recorder. These roles will be switched every day to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to operate the computers. The research specialist's job is to operate the computer and browse the Internet. The recorders job is to take notes in the groups scientific notebook.


Task 2:
Phylum/Class Characteristics

Your team will start researching your phylum/class characteristics. Identify a minimum of five major characteristics of your phylum or class. The links page provides useful links to Internet resources for animals and classification. Remember, all notes need to be made in your scientific notebook using the specified format.


Task 3:
Three Examples

Here you are to find at least three examples of species in your phylum/class. Make sure you can identify each species habitat and niche.

Note: While researching this information keep in mind that you will have to be very specific in explaining one of your three species (the focus species). Now would be the time to start deciding which species offers the most information for further research.


Task 4:
Focus Species

Choose one of your three example species to research further. Here are some things to look for:

Task 5:
Rough Draft / Prototype

Once you have all the necessary information for your project, it is time to make a prototype of your project in your scientific notebook. Your team needs to design a logical layout for your project. Make a visual layout that shows what order information will be presented in your project. Which pictures will you use, where will they go, and where will you include text? Then, on the next page, write out the exact text to be included in your project. If you are creating a visual display, you will also need to include a list of materials needed. When your rough draft is complete, submit it for grading.


Task 6:
Final Draft

If your final project is a website, see Task 7a.

If your final project is a visual display, see Task 7b.


Task 7a:

Finally the fun part. Using Microsoft Publisher, you will create your web site. Start by opening Microsoft Publisher and choosing the option create web page. We have used this before, but it may be useful to use the project wizard in publisher to develop your site.

Saving your website:

In Microsoft Publisher click on the File menu. Then click on Create Web Site From Current Publication. This reformats your document to make it into a web page. When this process is complete enter the File menu again and click on Save as Web Page. Skip to Task 8


Task 7b
Visual Display

Using your materials and rough draft, create your final draft.


Task 8:
Evaluate Your Project

Use the appropriate rubric to grade your project as a team. When you are finished, give the form to another group and have them evaluate your project. Be open to suggestions. If the other group does not like something, make sure you get suggestions on how it can be improved. Use these suggestions to improve your project.


Task 9:
Submit Project for Grading

Turn in your team's rubric with both your team evaluation and peer evaluation completed. If your project is a website, I will then download your website onto my memory device and upload it to the class website.


Task 10:
View Projects

Click on your class to view completed projects. Only the submitted phyla or classes will be activated.

Note: Completed projects will be located here once they are submitted to the instructor.